August 26, 2013 – Deck Demolition Time

We are going to replace the small front entry deck with something that affords ample room to actually sit on the front deck.  But first, out with the old. After prying off all the decking boards and railing, it was time to enlist the help of the tractor to pull out the posts.

Any day you get to fire up the tractor to destroy things is a good day, and the ease in which this lifted up was a delight!

August 23, 2013 – Nail Challenge

Martin is at it again offering up this challenge.  Can you balance 16 nails on the head of one nail?  You can affix the nail that the other nails balance on to a board or some other device, but other support is allowed.  Think about it, or try it and scroll below to see the solution…

















Elevation from above.

Elevation from below.

August 21, 2013 – Gardening Overload

Posts have been a bit absent lately.  I’ve been imprisoned by the abundance of the garden and fruit trees.

This is the last of three pendulous peach trees.  Although officially sick of peaches for the moment, we’ve got  canned peaches, peach pie filling, peach jam, dehydrated peaches, frozen peaches, grilled peaches, peach smoothies, and even some rotten peaches rotting in the sun.

In addition to the peaches, the plums are right behind, the green beans are being transformed into dilly beans and frozen beans, and blackberries and raspberries continue the march to ripeness and the next variety of apples is coming into season.

August 19, 2013 – First Day of School (almost)

I dropped Emma off at Iowa State today.

Even though school doesn’t start until next Monday, there are things to attend to, like setting up the room, getting books in order, trying out for Marching Band, and going through orientation.

She’s staying in Martin Hall (easy for little brother to remember).  She’s got everything she needs, her purse and a box chock full of peaches!  Let the adventure begin!