January 31, 2009 – I’m Melting

After a long, cold stretch, it got over freezing today for the first time in a while.  I use the ashes from the corn stove on the driveway and the sun on the black ashes does a good job of melting through the ice and snow.

Although it isn’t all clear yet, parts of the driveway are reappearing.  I’d like to have it all cleared of ice, so the tractor tires have good grip to move the next round of snow that comes our way.  Through the end of January, we’re already a foot of snow above normal for the year.

one year ago…”Thingamajig Thursday #105″

January 30, 2009 – Repurposed Solar Landscpae Lights

Last fall I bought some of those cheesy solar landscape lights on super end-of-season closeout (you know the ones you see in some yards that never quite stay up straight – if you have some, I’m not talking about yours!)

I just mounted the small solar panel and the lights over the doors, instead of in the ground as designed.  Now, the girls will have at least a little light to guide them to the coop at night.

one year ago…”Garage Keeper”

January 28, 2009 – A Peek Behind the Curtain

I’ve been behind this week because my new PC arrived on Monday.  The old one was 9 years old, had a big upgrade about 3-4 years ago and was giving some signs of failure – so rather than waiting for a failure, I snapped up one of the post-holiday deals.  It’s a pain in the brain to load and reload all the software, get all the updates, transfer the old files over and do a bit of deleting and reorganizing along the way.

So here’s the ground central of the high hopes blog.  The PC ends up being powered by wind energy about 1/3 of the time!

one year ago…”A Crime in Some Neighborhoods”