Who has more patience?
Up on top of telephone pole.
At bottom of pole. Squirrel get antsy, takes a flying leap about five feet from the ground and makes it to a tree.
Who has more patience?
Up on top of telephone pole.
At bottom of pole. Squirrel get antsy, takes a flying leap about five feet from the ground and makes it to a tree.
Had a chance to see the bro’s band this weekend.
They played at the “Pallet Party” in North Oslo MN.
The party has evolved over the years – from a bunch of marines getting together once a year, to a two day blowout with live music, lots of food, beverages, fires, and more.
The band with namesake Gus – a black bulldog.
Gus enjoying the limelight. The band was named following a wedding reception where the bride and groom could only afford a short list of open bar patrons, so the close friends and family who went to the bar and said “Gus sent me” got free drinks.
Brother Kraig on lead vocals.
Sister Julie checking out the dairy bulk cooler with assorted beverage. Was good to see the siblings and get an earful of Gus Sent Me!
A few years ago I “accidentally” found a wood strip canoe for sale on Craigslist. I was actually trying to sell a canoe, not buy one.
But I found homemade this strip canoe that had been sitting in a shed for over 20 years, protected from weather and UV light. It was love at first sight.
After a bit of rigamarole to get it licensed (many thanks to the mother of the owner for handling all the paperwork), we finally got it out on the water.
It is a work of art – here is some of the detail inside the canoe. I think it would look great on a lake near a cabin someday!
A sunflower popped up inches from the kitchen window.
Mr. Goldfinch pulls seeds out of the sunflower and places them on the “table.”
And then proceeds to get the meat out of the nuts. A great addition to doing the dishes!