March 31, 2008 – Claire at Mock Trial

Claire’s high school Mock Trial Team made it out of their region and competed in the state tournament in Des Moines this week (in unrelated, but similar news, Linda is in the jury duty pool in April).

The mock trial team consists of student lawyers and witnesses, they are given a case and argue before a judge and the team members are judged on their knowledge of courtroom decorum and performance.  Claire seems to be eating this up (but don’t anyone tell Grandpa Dave)!  But hey, Grandpa, I’ll leave you with one lawyer joke.

Q: What do you call a lawyer gone bad?

A: Senator.

one year ago…”March in AND Out Like a Lion”

March 30, 2008 – “Solo”

The kids have officially named the baby goat.  The first name that hung around for a few hours was Henry, but eventually it turned to Solo.

The name was no doubt inspired by the fact that Solo was the first single goat born on the farm.  He’s already walking around in the pasture.  I’m thinking the next kid could be Hans.  Hans, Solo. Maybe the next kid could be Franz to to have Hans and Franz to “pump you up.” 

 It reminds me of the story of a confused student assigned to write an autobiography in a high school English class. Â  Through a google search of “Tito” the student wrote the fascinating and far-ranging story about “Marshall Tito Puente” and his amazing life as Yugoslavian dictator and latin bandmaster.

one year ago…”Mushroom Planting”

March 29, 2008 – Baby Goat!

Sometime between 8 and 10 this morning Paullina gave birth to her baby boy!

She’s a good worry-free mother who always does well with her kids.

This is the first year she’s only had one, but this guy looks big and vigorous.  If it makes any difference, we were hoping tha Paullina would give birth before Nellie, who is pregnant for the first time.  We hope she picks up some pointers from Paullina as she is close to her first birthing experience.

one year ago…”Thingamajig Thursday #65″