February 10, 2010 – You Thought Congress Was For Sale Before?

With the recent U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 decision treating corporations the same as individuals and asserting that federal laws cannot limit corporate speech (donations of money = free speech), get ready for an even greater influence of corporations over Congress. Imagine how your congressperson will vote if Corporation X comes to them and says, vote this way and we’ll give you 5 million dollars; vote the other way and we’ll give it to your opponent in the next election.

But if we really are going to equate corporations as individuals, that brings up some questions the court will need to decide in the future.

Will a corporation have to exist for 18 years before it can “vote.” Sorry Google and Yahoo, you can’t contribute yet.

What if two corporations merge that both have either both male or both female CEOs? Will propositions outlawing gay marriage forbid the marriage (merger) of those two individuals?

Will corporations have to show up for jury duty?

Will corporations have to register for the Selective Service and serve our country in times of war?

one year ago…”Road Waves”