June 11, 2008 – Another Day, Another 2.5 Inches of Rain

Today they promised more rain and violent storms, and they were correct. The storms moved across the state from west to east – I’m sure most of you by now have heard of the tornado that went through the boy scout camp in Western Iowa and I tracked the storm across the state as I manned the pumps. They brought 70 mph winds just a county east of here, but it finally fizzled out at about 12:30 am when it arrived and didn’t bring wind or hail, just 2.5 inches of rain. The pumping continues. I was able to sleep from about 1-7, with GJ here to take a shift at the pump and give some of us a break.

I got a bit paranoid about the well-advertised storms taking out electricity again, only this time having sump pumps without juice, so I bought a 1000 watt inverter and marine battery for backup power for the At any rate, it will be good to have for various power options now and in the future.

I see last year at this time we were picking cherries – this year they are still small hard green balls.

one year ago…”Cherries”