Auction day! The worst case scenario did not happen. There was not a thunderstorm or rain and the weather was less hot than previous days. These photos are credited to neighbor Nancy.
Gathered around the auctioneer.
Cars in the yard and lined up on the road past the top of the hill.
More stuff we don’t have to move!
Auctioneer Fred Van Metre in the red hat. Fred did a good job for us.
Martin on auction day sampling from the food wagon.
More folks looking for treasures.
We all look on as our stuff changes hands.
The view from the pergola.
Can’t give this man enough credit – good neighbor Don. Brought his loader tractor over and helped folks load up heavy stuff.
Our first couple of life-long neighbors and friends.
The sad looking eyes on the JD 2510 say it all as we depart from the farm.