Linda and I don’t have many chances to sneak away, but we did for a while this weekend.
Of course, we headed to the big lake and explored some locations we hadn’t previously visited. While we had visited the lighthouse portion of Split Rock State Park/Historical area, we had not explored the river portion and more remote part of the park. The water is wonderful as it transitions from clear to turquoise to deep blue as it gets deeper.
Here’s an obligatory view of the lighthouse.
A vista from a hill close to shore, looking south towards Duluth.
A special shout out to my mother for remembrances of those who fetched these from the ash swamp many years ago.
The trail soon turned into “animal kingdom” first with this Bald Eagle.
Then this rather skinny doe, no doubt much appreciative of the spring foliage.
Look, Look, Squirrel!! I believe this is a Franklins Ground Squirrel.
A hike up the river leads to a series of waterfalls.
And more cascades further up the Split Rock River.