June 21, 2011 – World Food Prize 2011 Laureate Announcement

The interns were invited to the 2011 World Food Prize Laureate announcement press conference at the State Department.

Interns mingle with the crowd in the Benjamin Franklin Room.

Claire thinking about taking the podium!

Claire hangs out with random documents in the State Department – in this case with the Treaty of Paris.

More interns at the podium.

Photo: World Food Prize

Claire was near the front at the presser (lower right).  Hillary was supposed to make the announcement but got held up at the White House where Obama evidently held her over (the day he made his announcement on troop withdrawal in the Middle East). Pols in attendance included Iowa congressional representatives Steve King, Tom Latham, Leonard Boswell, and former Senator George McGovern.
one year ago…”Summer Tradition”

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