February 16, 2011 – Farm Fixture April Has Chased Last Rabbit

Today was the day every pet owner dreads – having to willingly drive to the vet to put a long-time pet away. April had slowly given up the will to live, not eating as much, then not eating at all, not drinking water, and finally the last two days, not moving from her comfortable place in the hay in the barn. So it was time.

April had been on the farm before Martin was born.  The girls were three and five when we retrieved April from the shelter.

For 14 years, April has been part of the backdrop to the farm.

She took seriously her animal guarding duties.  Whenever we packed up livestock, she spent the night close by, instead of in her usual spot.

In her younger days, she accompanied us to cut a Christmas tree.  We’re guessing she was a mix of Golden Retriever and Collie.  We called her our Marilyn Monroe dog.  She was laid back and non-barking – things I prize in a a dog!

Like everyone, she had her faults and quirks – the biggest one was her terror of thunderstorms.  When she was young, she was caught in a hailstorm, and rather than seeking shelter, she ran around in the hailstones – some big enough to break windows in the house.  After that, she would stop at nothing to get into the house during thunderstorms.  She destroyed two doors, before we learned to call her into the house when storms were coming and put up steel doors, so she couldn’t hurt herself or the doors if a storm came when we weren’t home.

It was a good life on the farm – sunshine and children to play with.

April always insisted on being part of the first day of school photos.

Everyone in the family had a chance to say goodbye to April.  Last night,  Claire even did when we put the phone up to April’s ear so Claire could say good-bye and April could hear her voice one last time.

Each child in this world, if they are lucky, only gets one good dog to grow up with.  For our kids, we can thank April for being that special dog that they shared their childhood with.  Thanks April.

one year ago…”Sheep Bagging Up”

9 thoughts on “February 16, 2011 – Farm Fixture April Has Chased Last Rabbit

  1. I am at my desk crying about April! I was was there that weekend when the kids went to the shelter to get a pet. I will never forgot the ride home with her and the kids. Everytime I came to the farm I loved seeing her run and play with the …kids. When I came down the last time I was upset that she would not come out from under the porch for a proper goodbye- With time I got her to come out and gave her what I knew in my heart was the last kiss and hug and I held on tight.

  2. It was so sad to read your blog about April’s passing. I was never
    much of a dog person but she was always so calm and loveable. The
    series of photos with the kids were great. Nana

  3. With sympathy to all. Enjoyed your photo tribute to April . . . getting in on the first of the year school pictures . . . I’m guessing she got invited if she didn’t show up on her own. She had a good, long life.

  4. Thanks for sharing the pics and memories — she was a good dog! Even when we know it’s time — it’s still hard,our thoughts are with you all and we’ll tell April stories tonight.

  5. Beautiful tribute. Sorry for your family’s loss. We know that pain as well when Cheyenne passed away a year and a half ago. We got her from the shelter and she finally said her goodbye after 11 great years as the family pet.

  6. You can just tell by looking at the photos that she was an awesome dog. So sorry about your losing that sweet member of your family. She was a lucky dog.

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