Nothing is really simple around the farm. Last year’s septic installation, for example. There’s no way getting around a lot of torn up ground. Now that the piles have had a chance to settle over a fall, winter, and spring, it’s time to re-establish desirable vegetation.
This shows a view below the tanks and the house in the background (the drain field behind us). Last week I seeded the path up to the pasture in regular lawn grass and lightly covered it with straw – the pasture part in this photo, I bought some grass and legume seeds. Getting the seeds is the easy part – first, I needed to get out the old disc we bought with the farmall cub. It had sat for maybe five years – finally got it extricated from it’s last resting place, then disced up the area, spread the seeds, raked over them, then retrieved the electric netting and solar charger to keep the chickens out, who would find the grass a legume seeds a treat to dig out of the ground. Now all it has to do is rain every few days until the seed gets established.
You may also notice a new watermark on the photos. I’ve discovered that blog photos have a life of their own on the internet. Many times people have asked me to use a photo and I’ve always granted permission. So I’m going to start putting the high hopes logo watermark on them, so if they do reappear, they will at least have a visual link back to the source without the authors having to necessarily interrupt their text with an acknowledgement.