Ever wonder what a half a beef looks like before it goes into the freezer?
Here is one – we had it processed with an emphasis on the things we eat most often – hamburger and steak. The basket on the right is full of steaks. The next one is roasts, the next one over is ribs/soup bones, and of course, the last two hamburger. Here’s the breakdown from this half.
71 lbs steaks
54 lbs roasts/ribs/soup bones
148 lbs burger
The total cost for this ends up being about $3.30/lb – that’s everything from hamburger that probably average $2 lb at the store to rib eye and t-bones at $7-9/lb. Best of all, this beeve was visible on a local pasture on our way to town. It was grass-raised and finished with some corn, so it wasn’t wallowing in a feedlot in it’s own doo-doo during its lifetime.
We bought a similar mix the last two years we were living up there, from my husband’s work friend w/ a father that raised grassfed as well. Those red/white checked hamburger portions look so familiar, was it processed by S.T. Meats? We even went to the effort to transport what we had left down with us to NC last spring! Bought dry ice and moved our 1/2 full deep freezer down with us. We are running low now, only a few more steaks and hamburger packs left… I’m going to be sad when we have to start buying beef from the store again.
This one was from the State Center Locker. Good luck finding a beef farmer in NC.