October 3, 2009 – Martin Flying Up to 4th Grade

At school conferences this week, we knew something was up when in addition to Martin’s teacher, the TAG teacher and principal dropped in. (In the small world department, we discovered that the principal is the sister of the guy who installed our wind turbine.)

They presented us with all the data and impressions of Martin’s school work and behavior and recommended he jump up a grade right now.  So, he’ll soon be going up a grade.

In unrelated activity, on a rainy day, he decided to build a giant paper airplane.  After he build it and played with it a while (as the crumpled nose indicates) he thought it might be a world record, so he consulted his trusty Guiness Book of World of Records and did not find a category for largest paper airplane, so until someone comes forward with another, he’s thinking he’s got the world’s largest.

one year ago…”Green Consultant”