I’m usually the last guy to tear down old buildings – I’ve received some serious guff for saving some pretty decrepit buildings, but this one was too far gone. I’m saving the “good half” which has white roofing and tearing down the rest and can use the cement foundation for some other purpose, like a lean-to or the like.
Here’s what the shed looked like after I ripped of all the board and batten siding from the part I planned on imploding first. I saved the boards, which would look nice in someone’s rec room.
The first pull was to remove the center post, via a tractor and long chain.
Martin was instructed to try to get a photo while the building was collapsing – here’s what he got as I was pulling out the corner post.
In a quirk of good luck, the collapse went just as planned – no more, no less.
The collapsed roof. Now the fun part starts. I won’t burn the asphalt shingles, so will need to tear those off and send them to the landfill before deciding whether to disassemble or just burn the remaining wood.