December 13, 2008 – Lumberjacking Christmas Tree

[begin rant] There are few things I maintain a fundamentalist attitude about – Christmas trees are one.  I know all the arguments for artificial trees and some of them have merit (I live in a small apartment, I’m unable to go get a tree because of age or disability), but convenience is one I just don’t buy!

If once a year it’s too much of a bother to select a tree and clean up the needles, then why not dispense with other Christmas items as well?  Exchange cash instead of gifts – it would be much more convenient not to go shopping and wrapping.  Buy Christmas cookies at the store instead of homemade – that would be more convenient.  I just think the trees, which are one of the oldest holiday traditions, get the short stick.  [end rant].

The selection process is the longest part of the Christmas tree experience.

Heave-ho and out of the Christmas tree farm goes the tree.  This may be the last year we have to drive to get a Christmas tree.  Now that we are growing our own, next year our trees may be large enough for us to cut our own home-grown tree.

one year ago…”Thingamajig Thursday #99″

2 thoughts on “December 13, 2008 – Lumberjacking Christmas Tree

  1. If you just exchange cash, then you might as well just keep your own money and buy the gift you REALLY want!

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