November 22, 2008 – Stringtown Grocery Visit

Near Kalona Iowa is an Amish-run grocery store that we find to be quite fun to shop. On this trip we found 4 oz jelly jars that are not available in any of the usual places, and even online, we found few, and the ones we did find would be about $30/dozen jars after shipping. We found them at Stringtown for $6.98. Earlier in the year, we found a sleeve of 30 dozen canning lids that we purchased.

This horse and buggy are in the horse parking lot next to the store. The store is lit by gas lights, has the old wooden floor and lots of bulk items repackaged into smaller packages.  We had also hoped to go the the “Scratch-n-Dent” store next door, but arrived at 3:05 and it closes at 3:00 on Saturdays.

one year ago…”Thingamajig Thursday #96″.

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