This is at Oak Creek Canyon, near Sedona, the first of many team photos taken.
Here’s Sunset Crater. A volcano that exploded relatively recently.
Here are two team mates by a large chunk of volcanic rock.
Here are the San Francisco peaks, visible from everywhere in Flagstaff. The highest is at 12,000 feet or so.
My lifelong dream of going to the Lowell Observatory was also satisfied on this trip. This telescope is 128 years old. It was the telescope that first found Pluto, and was the telescope that was used to provide evidence for an expanding universe.
This is at one of the ancient ruins in the area. It was amazing to me that these structures could still be standing after so many years!
This is at Wupatki. It’s my new house.
This is the Grand Canyon. We journeyed here during the competition, on our one free day. It was gorgeous, and we had several nice hikes while learning about its environment and recreational impacts on it.