June 20, 2008 – Visitors from Afar

This week we had a visit with some neighbors from the past. When we lived in Ames (I won’t say how many years ago) the family of “Dr Jay” lived next door with their three children. They were the first or one of the first “adult” friends we made as we transitioned from college to post-college life. They were good for us as they had kids and a family and still were fun people to be around – a jolt for young adult who had not yet crossed over the line into parenthood.

Dr. Jay, one of his daughters and two grand children were back in Iowa and spent the night. Among other things, Jay is a compulsive gatherer of firewood (I can relate) and studies pacifism in early 20th century evangelical churches. It was good to see them and catch up with them since the last time we saw them in Portland, many years ago.

one year ago…”Emma at Work”