I have another scrounging success story. I saw bags like this giant bulk bag outside a local feed mill. It looked like they were throwing them away. They were, so I picked up a few. I think they are called spout bags. These bags carried one ton of dried whey.
You may notice the round cut-out on the bottom of the bag – there is a sleeve that a sheet of hard black plastic slips into, as to regulate product pouring out of the bottom of the bag (or not, if it remains closed). The bags have heavy duty straps on top (after all, the bag held 2,000 pounds of whey) and a couple of straps and fabric to enclose the tops of the bags. They are envisioned to be used for storing the corn cobs we have lying around and they’ll be good to store and transport wood chips for future tree planting. All I need are a couple of forks to attach to the loader bucket and I’ll be able to easily move them. The price is right!
one year ago…”Easter Day”