January 6, 2008 – Leaving for Home

We left the house very early this morning, and I had just a few photos of the house we rented.

Not many houses have a better view than this out the kitchen window!

The house was great for us – there were 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, along with a large kitchen and great room for hanging around.  We’ve had great luck renting houses instead of hotels on vacation.  It’s cheaper and better as you can “stay on your feed” and cook meals as you wish.  This house was well stocked and was a good base for our travels. We’ve had good luck finding houses and cabins, including this one at the vacation rental by owner web site. Interestingly, after we left, the caretaker commented to us, they liked our organic jams we left (from high hopes gardens) and her mother was (and still is) one of the pioneering organic farmers in Pennsylvania!

I was a bit worried we wouldn’t be able to drive out as some dry washes cross the road and in high rains, the road is flooded and there is only one way out.  With a day and night of light rain, I was a bit anxious about getting out in the early morning to catch our flight. I walked out the front door in the morning darkness and there was light hail, rain, and it sounded like a raging river.  I quickly got Linda and we drove to the place where the temporary streams cross the road to see if that was where the noise was coming from, which would mean we would miss our flights – but there was just a little bit of water flowing across the road – the roar must have been from Oak Creek down the hill a bit further.

one year ago…

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