No trip to Northern Arizona would be complete without a look-see inside the Grand Canyon!
This is the view from the south room near the Desert View observation station. With an elevation of 7,000 feet, the rim of the canyon is not warm in January, but the crowds are not so overwhelming.
Oh, the horrors of the abyss!
We even saw some obligitory wildlife, including this cow elk along the road to Hermit’s Rest.
I don’t get to post many photos of Linda and I unless we’re on vacation, so here’s another one. This was my third trip to the canyon – a few years ago with Linda and back in college on a geology field trip we hiked to the bottom. To this day, the orange I ate upon getting back to the top was the most flavorful and delightful “meal” I’ve ever enjoyed!
I’ve really enjoyed your vacation pics. It has been far too long since I have been through that part of the country. Hope ya’ll had a great time and make it home safe.
Hahah The picture with Emma Claire and Martin supposedly falling off the rocks seems hilarious since Emma is
all about the near death experiences…haha getting lost when we were at the water falls and almost falling
off a cliff.