November 14, 2007 – One Step Closer to Wind Turbine

We are one step closer to getting a residential wind turbine at high hopes gardens!  We had a site visit by an installer and now are waiting for a more final estimate.  If all goes well, it could be up in late spring/summer.  The following bit of information was very interesting to me.  It shows the wind speed and direction over the course of a year.  The site also has monthly charts to see how direction and speeds change over the course of the year.  The site is a branch of the ISU Agronomy Department, of all places! They have the charts for 17 cities in Iowa.

I was very surprised that the most common direction of wind is from the south, although the most common quadrant direction is from N to W.  I’m a bit of a closet weatherman (I think all farmers are) and am impressed how much data can get crammed into a simple graphic like this one.

Here’s a picture from the manufacturer’s web site of the turbine.  It is a Skystream 3.7. We may have to trim the tops of some old silver maples and maybe take down one behind the chicken coop.  More on that later.

one year ago…