August 20, 2007 – 1st Day of School for 2

Today is the first day of school for Martin and Emma!  It’s time for a different schedule around the farm now, although with Claire not starting until next week, it will not be all at once shock.  Now, I need to think of what the most pressing jobs around the farm will be.

It was much easier putting Martin on the bus this year with a year under his belt.

Martin and Emma pose for the traditional first day of school photo.

one year ago…

2 thoughts on “August 20, 2007 – 1st Day of School for 2

  1. Just the other day I commented to a fellow Iowan in my platoon down here in Texas that “well, State Fair is over, so school will be starting soon.” And she and I had to explain how most of Iowa starts a week or 2 before Labor Day weekend to those from the East where they start a week after Labor Day. Consequently we finish in the spring before they do.
    And you can’t beat West Marshall as a place to go to school.

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