April 16, 2007 – New Driveway Gravel

Last year I put off re-graveling the driveway. The lime rock usually only lasts a few years before breaking down into powder/fines. Now that the threat of snow is passed, 17 tons of gravel were deposited yesterday as you don’t want to lay gravel that may have a chance to be plowed or snowblown before getting packed down. The truck can drive and spread most of it, but can’t get under the trees.

I still had the blade on the tractor, so used that for some rough leveling and spreading the piles under the trees before making an impromputu drag out of a cattle panel and some cement blocks for more fine leveling. The driver assures me I got a deal today because they were not processing the regular rock at the quarry, but the hardest stuff for freeway construction in Des Moines, so I got gravel that is usually $15/ton for $10/ton.

one year ago…

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