March 2, 2007 – Storm Day 2 or Day 7?

I’m not sure if this is Day 2 of the storm or Day 7! We awoke at daybreak to the sound of a diesel engine straining. A snowplow was repeatedly backing up and charging forward a few feet at a time. Then we saw some flashing lights behind the snowbank, like an emergency vehicle was stuck. At about 6:30 am, the Marshall County Sherrif’s office called and told us a sherriff’s car was stuck in front of our house and that nobody was stranded. A snowplow and backhoe eventually freed the squad car.

This is the view down the road where the car was stuck, after it was dug out.

We’ve got some big drifts in the yard/driveway.
Here’s Martin next to a drift that is a tad under 6 feet tall and still growing as of 10 am.

Here’s a drift in the driveway. The 30-45 mph winds are supposed to keep up until late afternoon, so it still may be a while until we get out – but miraculously the power is still on here.

one year ago…