February 27, 2007 – Storm Day 5

Today was Day 5 of the Storm. Still no electricity for us and about 80,000 others, three days after it blinked off. Following are some pictures from 2 miles due east of our farm. 

I wonder what it looked/sounded like when all these poles snapped!

Some of the poles are artistically pleasing. Driving around is much like surveying tornado damage, except the damage is much more widespread. 

Three days later, the crews still haven’t even been able to make the roads passable because of downed poles and wires, let alone put new poles up.

Unexpectedly, our power went on at about 7 pm today, about 80 hours after it went off!

An ominous forecast calls for two more days of ice and snow Wednesday/Thursday/into Friday along with 45 mph gusts. 
one year ago…

One thought on “February 27, 2007 – Storm Day 5

  1. I missed the storm by 2 days. It was comfortably 50F at Ft Leonard Wood, MO when the blizzard went through Iowa.

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