February 24, 2006 – Upper Midwest Organic Conference

Today I’m at the Upper Midwest Organic Gardening Conference in La Crosse, WI. I haven’t been to the meeting since it moved from the convent to the convention center. This year over 2,000 people will attend – it truly is nice to be among so many others that share a vision of an environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and economically profitable method of farming an living.

La Crosse is a charming river town – here’s a peek at the street across from the conference center:
On the other end is the Mississippi River.

It was a rather striking view, driving down the valley to the river this morning as the sun rose.

Only one session so far – I went to an organic calf session. Turns out it was more for dairy than beef cows, but still interesting. The keynote was about seed and breed diversity and how organic farmers can help promote seed and breed biodiversity.

One thought on “February 24, 2006 – Upper Midwest Organic Conference

  1. Oooh, fun! I’ve been wanting to attend, especially since Osage always has these 2 days off school for state wrestling and the girls could come with me. Can’t wait to hear what other sessions you’re doing!

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