June 15, 2005 – Obedience School

Tonight was the last obedience school for Blue and Emma. Here they are practicing “stay.” obedienceBlue has a ways to go, but has improved greatly. He still isn’t his exuberant self after his injury last weekend, but is perking up. Here is the proud doggy and master.

Today was one of those days that I was running all day, but have to think what really was accomplished – See how your day compares to a “Day in the Life.”
7:30 – empty dishwasher and do dishes
7:45 – bring Linda to school for her three-day farm tour and Emma to her “Kids in college” where she is learning about GPS systems and geo-caching, Japan, and qualities of talented and gifted kids. (I haven’t had good luck parlaying this into a portable home GPS system as a “learning tool” for the kids.)
8:30 – fold laundry and mismatched socks
9:00 – Cruise the internet for 5-speed, light-colored civics, corollas and prizms
9:30 – Do chores
10:00 – Pay bills
10:45 – Check work e-mail
11:30 – Run over to neighbors to get chore instructions and visit
12:15 – Lunch with Marty
1:00 – General clutter pick-up while waiting (unsuccessfully) for Martin to nap – he’s getting to the in-between nap/no nap time.
1:20 – Go to town to get pea-sized rocks for the sandbox under the platform on Martin’s playground and other farm-store/Menards stuff
2:15 – Pick up Emma from her event
2:30 – Distribute rocks in the playgound
2:45 – Change oil on Snowball and Blizzard
3:30 – Begin the process of cleaning Emma’s room
5:30 – Go to obedience school
6:30 – Buy underbed storage boxes for the room cleanup
7:00 – Wrap up the farmstead (put away stuff dragged out during day and start chores
7:30 – Get Martin treat, read stories, and tuck for night
8:15 – Resume Emma room cleaning
10:15 – Begin Blog
10:30 – Finish chores and hit the hay

I guess three trips to town really kind of mess with the flow of the day.

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