April 6, 2005 – Material Handling

It tried to storm all day, but the storm just hung and hung to the southeast, with barely more than a brief promise of rain.

Material handling is a vastly under-estimated (at least by me) part of the farm. Moving stuff to the farm, off the farm, and around the farm takes about as much time as anything. A testament to this is all the types of contraptions with hitches farmers have to move things – hay wagons, manure spreaders, grain wagons, stock trailers, flat trailers, and the list goes on. Today I hauled three pickup loads of old hay from a neighboring farm to use as mulch for the garden. I also made two trips to town to haul the rest of the cattle panels that were not reserved for us – so I put the boat carriers on top of the truck and brought home 19 at a time.

I just need a day to catch up (I know this is a fantasy for 1 day) – catch up on planting and mulching the 10 unplanted chestnut trees, to update the business plan, to get more stuff in the garden, to begin looking at cleaning up the attic for the construction this summer, finish the tile around the upstairs tub, put in the kitchen floor. I fear that lawn-mowing season will soon arrive and take a couple of more hours out of the week. Linda promises me a day off from work where all the kids will be gone and we’ll have a day to catch up sometime this month.

One thought on “April 6, 2005 – Material Handling

  1. “Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead.”–Scottish Proverb

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