February 17, 2005 – Tech Writing 4500 BC

Many people don’t have a clue about what a technical writer does. Here’s a description of a tech writer from Ptahotep from 4500 BC that nails it!

Be a scribe!
Your body will be sleek, your hand will be soft.
You are the one who sits grandly in your house;
your servants answer speedily; beer is poured copiously;
all who see you rejoice in good cheer. Happy is the heart of him who writes;
he is young each day.

2 thoughts on “February 17, 2005 – Tech Writing 4500 BC

  1. O!
    The soul of the writer is enlarged beyond the scope of his mortal experience, the bounds of his world defined only by the breadth of his imagination, the height of hopes and the depth of his faith. Write, craft words, build a future that leaps flaming Phoenix-like from the sad wreckage that is this present world to illumine a better one! Lead! Light!Call! Oh, and bring beer.

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